i've been meaning to do this blog thing for so long now but time seems to have been extra scarce since the second kid was born 17 months ago...
things are starting to look up and i'm finding it easier to get on with things now that he can entertain himself or play with the first kid (when they aren't hitting each other or fighting over the empty toilet roll cardboard insert thingy)
so anyway, i want to use this blog as a way of keeping in touch with family & friends overseas & interstate (ie not here), sharing my depression (and hopefully helping someone else out there with depression & anxiety by doing so), sharing my "mummy" life, documenting my craft projects that i've attempted & also a place where i can keep track of all the "tech" stuff - madeit shop, etsy shop, twitter, etc
i don't really know what i'm going to write about without boring anyone to tears but it might be entertaining enough for someone out there in the great big www to read so here's a bit about me
i was born in cape town, south africa & grew up in a beautiful suburb called camps bay. we went to a school which had the most beautiful view of the mountain & the sea and we lived about 5 minutes walk (downhill, more like 15 minutes uphill) from the beach (god i miss it so much!)
when i was 24 i went to london, my plans involved extensive travel & "finding myself". needless to say i did not travel extensively (unfortunately!) but i did "find myself" & i also found an australian bloke who ended up asking me to marry him while we were having a picnic in regents park (everybody together now, aaaahhhhh)
about a year later & much organising via email & fax (yes, we still used faxes occasionally back then), i took him home to cape town to meet my parents for the first time two weeks before the wedding (ha!). i met his parents for the first time too and after we "wed" we spent about 3 months in cape town before heading for perth, australia
as i wasn't allowed to work on my visitors visa, & B was getting job offers from the east coast more than he was getting on the west coast, we upped & moved again - this time to melbourne where we are still (i since got my permanent residency & became a true blue aussie citizen too)
we've been here for just over 9 years now, although in that time we've moved 6 times & might very well be moving again in the next few months hopefully! we're looking to buy a house for the first time as we have two small
let me introduce the kids to you, the first kid is james aka punky (previously known as hootchi)
james was born in 2006, 4 weeks premature but i was okay with that as i was SO over being pregnant & in 40C heat everday too...
he was born by emergency c-section (i won't go into the gory details) & we fell in love immediately. at that stage both of our families were either overseas (mine) or interstate (B's) so we just got on with things for a while i guess. families visited from o/s & i/s & after they all left we seemed to get back into our routine
until i stopped b/feeding, that is. james decided he didn't want his mothers milk anymore at about 7 months old so i weaned him & after about a month i started feeling my depression rearing it's ugly head. i became super anxious about everything as well as housebound and just wasn't doing very well. i went back to the doc & got my anti-depressants re-issued & was back on track again after a couple of days! incredible stuff these meds!
during this time, my
"me" time - it was lovely :)
then we had a little "accident" & i was pregnant again... not what i had planned at all but we went along with mother nature & i went along to my doc who told me i had to come off the meds again. the first time around with james, i was fine (must have been the happy hormones or something) but this time around was, in a word, s-h-i-t
i didn't really want to be pregnant & i didn't want to have to divide my time between james & the "other" kid. i became anxious & depressed again & started seeing a psychologist who was amazing
one morning after seeing her & just finishing with a relaxation exercise, i was travelling down in the elevator when i felt my waters break. either that or i'd just wee'd in my pants & the guy standing next to me had no idea :)
so off i trotted downhill to the closest public loo to confirm my suspicions
ring husband, who's office is directly across the road but i don't want to move around/walk/run in case baby is born on the tram tracks!
can't get hold of husband, leave message on husbands voice-mail, call husband's boss, can't get hold of husbands boss (where the hell is everyone!), leave message on husbands boss's (?) voice-mail during which time husband has tried to call me... sigh...
eventually i see husband approaching from across the road as i am trying to explain over the phone to the midwife at the hospital what has happened. she says come straight in. we hail a cab (with leather seats, nice...) & head towards the hospital (all the while i'm worrying about amniotic fluid leaking onto said nice leather seats & the poor driver, how will he clean it up? etc etc) (we didn't tell him, i hope his car was okay)
during all this, james is with nanna & pa & i have one less thing to worry about. text messages are sent & phone calls are made to inform those on the "need to know" list. my OBGYN is called and eventually strolls in (his office is directly upstairs for crying out loud!), checks me out (as did the midwife before him) & declares that i will need to stay in the hospital until baby is born
his plan is that i stay there & we try to keep baby inside for as long as possible to give him the best chance possible. bear in mind, i'm seven months preggers & still technically have 8 weeks to go until my "due" date. right, so 8 weeks in hospital - no kids, no dogs, no cooking or cleaning (not that that happened all too often anyway), it was starting to sound like a holiday to me :) OK doc, whatever you say :)
let me just say, OW.
i didn't really feel my contractions too badly with james as i had an epidural pretty much as i was walking out of the elevator (not really but close) but this, this was very, very ow...
midwifes are asking "on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the pain?" & i am asking about the epidural (i'm a wuss like that you see). doc eventually strolls in (again), "assesses" (is that spelt correctly?) me which in it's own way was pretty flipping painful & tells me he'd like me to try for a natural birth this time
we'd had this conversation in his office before & me being the people-pleaser i am, didn't really argue about it too much.
so, here we were, trying for a natural birth...
right (again)
here we go
are we done yet?
i sat on the big silver ball thingy & breathed the happy gas, and after about 4
i was just happy to be getting my epidural! after that things moved really fast & before we know it, matthew is born (you can see some photos here)
it was all so surreal, and even when we went home & had to leave him there because he was having trouble maintaining his body temperature & needed a bit of light therapy for jaundice it didn't seem real. when we did bring him home, it felt more real. but he didn't feel like he was my baby, it felt like we were just looking after him & i didn't really bond with him properly for a long time.
i think it took about 10 - 12 months to be honest, a strange thing really but i think it also had a lot to do with the depression thing (i love him to bits now, he's such a cheeky little character with a great sense of humour & he loves (idolizes) his big brother to bits).
i didn't b/feed him, which was a really hard decision to make especially due to his prematurity, but i figured i'd be a better mother to matthew & james if i had all my mental bits together & coping than if i didn't and was spiraling downwards again & unable to care for either of them
two months after all that stuff, i had to go back to hospital and stayed in for a few days because they thought i had an infection from the c-section & then had to go back again because they figured out it was a
another major operation (called a laparoscopy) but i won't go into the gory details (i was more of a wuss with this op than the two emergency c-sections i have to say)
after that i felt muuuuucchhhh better :)
then matthew had to have a double hernia operation, B got the chicken pox for the first time in his 36 years & james had to go to hospital in the ambulance (with me) for his first ever croup attack
not much has happened since all that, except around the start of the year i fell off the back of the armchair whilst trying to remove the creeper vine that was growing inside the top of the window frame in the lounge room (don't ask) & had to go to the hospital emergency room with suspected fractured ankle...
x-ray said nothing, doc said bad sprain, here - take these crutches for the next two weeks & i laughed
winter has been c-r-a-p with the kids & i bouncing snot & illness off of one another but things are really starting to look up now with spring in the air!
so, this is about the most i've typed in one sitting in oh, about 3 years & i'm pretty much worn out from eating all those jelly babies while i was doing so & i have to package up another order that came in from donna while i was playing around with the settings on this here blog & i have to get the kids' snacks etc ready for the two house-for-sale open for inspections we're schlepping to tomorrow morning & possibly also fit a shower somewhere in between all this & sleep so i'll be off for now
please do visit again soon - the next installment of "this is my life" should be up
adios amigos
1 comment:
hi, so chuffed you're blogging. it's fantastic. yay.
x paige.
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